Quotes about Dreams
There's a lot of blood, sweat, and guts between dreams and success.
- Paul Bryant
Part of the Disney success is our ability to create a believable world of dreams that appeals to all age groups. The kind of entertainment we create is meant to appeal to every member of the family.
- Walt Disney
They say that dogs may dream, and when Topsy was old, his feet would move in his sleep. With his eyes closed he would often make a noise that sounded quite human, as if greeting someone in his dreams. At first it seemed that he believed Sara would return, but as the years went by I understood that his loyalty asked for no reward, and that love comes in unexpected forms. His wish was small, as hers had been -- merely to be beside her. As for me, I already knew I would never get what I wanted.
- Alice Hoffman
As for me, sleep was a country I no longer visited, despite my incantation. When I did, I wished for my waking life, the hours when I didn't see the nightmare images of all that had happened and all I had become.
- Alice Hoffman
What you are able to dream you are able to grow, she says to me. If you don't believe in it, it can never happen.
- Alice Hoffman
As for Franny, she wanted what she most often experienced in her dreams. To be among the birds. She preferred them to most human beings, their grace, their distance from the earth, their great beauty. Perhaps that was why they always came to her. In some way, she spoke their language.
- Alice Hoffman
who I am to talk? I dream of rain.
- Alice Hoffman
Until you do right by me, I say, everything you even dream about will fail.
- Alice Walker
He had no such dreams, certainly. And if he had them, he did not recall them, on rising. Nor could he fathom why this should be so. In fact, dreams, the world of dreams, did not exist for him, as it existed for her. And unlike her, he did not sit before the dwindling fire of their hearth wondering, pondering, nagging the question really, What does this mean?
- Alice Walker
Don't think small when you pray. God has a way to bring your dreams to pass if you'll dare to be bold enough to ask.
- Joel Osteen
Be careful with whom you associate, especially when you feel emotionally vulnerable, because negative people can steal the dream right out of your heart.
- Joel Osteen
At the start of each new day, remind yourself: "I am talented. I am creative. I am greatly favored by God. I am equipped. I am well able. I will see my dreams come to pass." Declare those statements by faith and before long, you will begin to see them in reality.
- Joel Osteen