Quotes about Dreams
The Woman had told her that Tomorrow never comes, but Elizabeth knows better. It will come sometime. Some beautiful morning she will just wake up and find it is Tomorrow. Not Today but Tomorrow. And then things will happen…wonderful things.
- LM Montgomery
Do you know what I think about the new moon, teacher? I think it is a little golden boat full of dreams. And when it tips on a cloud some of them spill out and fall into your sleep.
- LM Montgomery
The eastern sky above the firs was flushed faintly pink from the reflection of the west, and Anne was wondering dreamily if the spirit of color looked like that…
- LM Montgomery
The other day Nan said, 'Nothing can ever be quite the same for any of us again.' It made me feel rebellious. Why shouldn't things be the same again - when everything is over and Jem and Jerry are back? We'll all be happy and jolly again and these days will seem just like a bad dream.
- LM Montgomery
Spring is singing in my blood today, and the lure of April is abroad on the air. I'm seeing visions and dreaming dreams, Pris. That's because the wind is from the west. I do love the west wind. It sings of hope and gladness, doesn't it? When the east wind blows I always think of sorrowful rain on the eaves and sad waves on a gray shore. When I get old I shall have rheumatism when the wind is east. And
- LM Montgomery
but youth yearned to youth.
- LM Montgomery
When you know things you have to go by facts. But when you just dream things there's nothing to hold you down.
- LM Montgomery
Listen to the trees talking in their sleep," she whispered, as he lifted her to the ground. "What nice dreams they must have!
- LM Montgomery
And she discovered that, while solitude with dreams is glorious, solitude without them has few charms.
- LM Montgomery
it's delightful when your imaginatios come true, isn't it?
- LM Montgomery
Don't give up all your romance, Anne," he whispered shyly, "a little of it is a good thing—not too much, of course—but keep a little of it, Anne, keep a little of it.
- LM Montgomery
Sunbursts and marble halls may be all very well but there is more 'scope for the imagination without them. - Anne Shirley
- LM Montgomery