Quotes about Debate
Put bluntly, abortion supporters have lost the argument on the scientific level.
- Nancy Pearcey
The surprise of situational distress has produced deeply emotional questions that have led them to deeply theological conclusions, but it's been nothing like the sort of theological debate found in a classroom.
- Paul David Tripp
George Washington is known by Americans as the founding father of our nation. However, there has been great confusion and debate about his faith. The historic view was that he was a Christian. The consensus of scholars that has developed since the bicentennial of Washington's birth in 1932 is that he was a Deist, that is, one who believes in a very remote and impersonal God.
- Peter Lillback
The Bible isn't a book that reflects one point of view. It is a collection of books that records a conversation—even a debate—over time.
- Peter Enns
I need Sunday morning centered on what is transrational, the fundamental Christian mysteries of incarnation and resurrection, the very heartbeat of Christian faith. Not irrational or unworthy of discussion and debate, but that which, when the intellectual dust has cleared, is ultimately beyond what our minds can grasp. I need a God bigger than my arguments.
- Peter Enns
The reputation Christianity has in the public arena has varied causes, to be sure, including our post-Christian culture, which has little use for religions of any sort. But ultimately some blame must fall squarely on the shoulders of Christian subcultures that are armed with an unwavering sense of certainty in what God wants here and now, which is not up for debate and must be imposed (to the glory of God).
- Peter Enns
Should he argue with useless words or speeches that serve no purpose?
- Job 15:3
I could also speak like you if you were in my place; I could heap up words against you and shake my head at you.
- Job 16:4
I paid you full attention. But no one proved Job wrong; not one of you rebutted his arguments.
- Job 32:12
Refute me if you can; prepare your case and confront me.
- Job 33:5
The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.
- Proverbs 18:17
Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be like him.
- Proverbs 26:4