Quotes about Debate
There is nothing in the world like a persuasive speech to fuddle the mental apparatus.
- Mark Twain
Every revolutionary movement has its peaks of united activity and its valleys of debate and internal confusion. This debate might well have been little more than a healthy internal difference of opinion, but the press loves the sensational and it could not allow the issue to remain within the private domain of the movement. In every drama there has to be an antagonist and a protagonist, and if the antagonist is not there the press will find and build one.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
There actually is an imbecile in existence who asserts that the earth is flat and who has persuaded many people to adopt his view.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
The Argument from Intimidation is a confession of intellectual impotence.
- Ayn Rand
In a sense the debate between Penrose and Hawking is a continuation of that earlier argument, with Penrose playing the role of Einstein and Hawking that of Bohr.
- Stephen Hawking
Scientific questions cannot be decided by majority vote in any case.
- Stephen Jay Gould
every monologue sooner or later becomes a discussion.
- Graham Greene
Disagreements over the interpretation of Genesis 1 are not new. Early church fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Augustine wrestled with this issue hundreds of years ago. However, the debate within Christian circles over the age of creation has intensified during the last 150 years, largely in response to the Darwinian theory of evolution.
- Gregory Boyd
So that whether the pain of a wound in the groin (cæteris paribus) is greater than the pain of a wound in the knee—or Whether the pain of a wound in the knee is not greater than the pain of a wound in the groin—are points which to this day remain unsettled.
- Laurence Sterne
First, Whenever a man talks loudly against religion, always suspect that it is not his reason, but his passions, which have got the better of his creed.
- Laurence Sterne
There may be a conflict between softminded religionists and toughminded scientists, but not between science and religion.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
philosophy of religion comes into being when both religion and philosophy claim to offer ideas about ultimate problems.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel