Quotes about Controversy
The gospel cannot be truly preached without offense and tumult.
- Martin Luther
Jerome has merited hell rather than heaven for it-so little would I dare to recognize or call him a saint.
- Martin Luther
fanatics. Every teacher of work-righteousness is a trouble-maker.
- Martin Luther
I rejoice greatly that the simple faith of this sacrament is still to be found, at least among the common people. For as they do not understand, neither do they dispute whether accidents are present without substance, but believe with a simple faith that Christ's body and blood are truly contained there, and leave to those who have nothing else to do the argument about what contains them.
- Martin Luther
Therefore let us avoid these men of blood and not allow them to draw us into Judaism.
- Martin Luther
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Trump could bring Trumpism down...
- Michael Wolff
Still, Sean Hannity had 5.8 million viewers on the night of the Blasey Ford—Kavanaugh hearing. "That's a lot of fucking hobbits," said Bannon.
- Michael Wolff
Lewandowski and Hannity actually thought that the House might be hours away from voting articles of impeachment.
- Michael Wolff
Lewandowski and Hope Hicks, the PR aide put on the campaign by Ivanka Trump, had an affair that ended in a public fight on the street—
- Michael Wolff
people might conclude that this was just more proof that you obviously couldn't hold Trump responsible for executing on anything, much less an attack on the U.S. Capitol.)
- Michael Wolff
Trump certainly ran his business as though it were a criminal enterprise.
- Michael Wolff