Quotes about Controversy
Of all people who engage in controversy, we, who are called Calvinists, are most expressly bound by our own principles to the exercise of gentleness and moderation.
- John Newton
I know this might be breaking news to Nicholas Kristof, but guns being 'more lethal than anything else you have around' is sort of the whole point. The issue should not really be the lethality of the gun, but the but the psychology of the person holding it.
- Glenn Beck
Also, despite the belief of population experts that uneducated women wouldn't use birth control, these women knew very well when their own bodies were suffering from too many pregnancies and births. That's why as prime minister, Indira Gandhi took on the controversy of creating the first national family planning program. Her early journeys in those women-only cars had taught her that ordinary women would use it, even if in secret, and literacy had little to do with it.
- Gloria Steinem
Few things give rise to imprecise rhetoric like the issue of race. It's understandable, but damaging.
- John Piper
What is sad to me is not what Bill Nye thinks about me. What I found really unfortunate is that after presenting my stand on God's Word, there were a number of Christians who were more complimentary of Bill Nye than of me because Bill Nye was defending evolution and billions of years.
- Ken Ham
Abortion is profoundly anti-women.
- Mother Teresa
Christians are increasingly being punished for the free exercise of their faith and for standing on God's Word and holding to biblical convictions about sin. This is especially apparent with the gay lobby.
- Ken Ham
Men treat God's sovereignty as a theme for controversy, but in Scripture it is matter for worship.
- JI Packer
When I heard that Hitler had problems with flatulence, it's funny. What - does that make him a funny man? No. It means he had funny moments when his rear end was speaking louder than his mouth.
- John Oliver
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam now wants to be "civil" about killing newborns. He ended his response to questions about approving third-trimester abortions by saying, "So again, as I said in my comments about this earlier, we can agree to disagree, but let's be civil about it." Dr.
- Terry James
Instead of going through a litany of troubling things Pope Francis has said, let's zero in on just one. On several occasions, the Pope seemed to teach that faith is not necessary to salvation or entrance into Heaven. At the very least, Pope Francis has a positive opinion of an atheist's chances for getting into Heaven.
- Terry James
Truth engenders hatred of truth. As soon as it appears, it is the enemy.
- Tertullian