Quotes about Adaptation
One must cast off old agonies as a snake casts off its skin — only to grow a new set and accept all of their limitations.
- Frank Herbert
For what would you use such a place, Paul Atreides?" "To make this planet a fit place for humans," Paul said. Perhaps that's why I help them, Kynes thought.
- Frank Herbert
Humans can balance on strange surfaces, Odrade said. Even on unpredictable ones. It's called 'getting in tune.' Great musicians know it. Surfers I watched when I was a child on Gammu, they knew it. Some waves throw you but you're prepared for that. You climb back up and go at it once more.
- Frank Herbert
Every sense you possess is an instrument for reacting to change.
- Frank Herbert
In a changing universe, only a changing species can hope to be immortal and then only if its eggs are nurtured in widely scattered environments. This predicts a wealth of unique individuals. — Insights (a glimpse of early Human philosophy), BuSab Text
- Frank Herbert
Aceasta e aberaÈ›ia puterii: în ultim? instan?? este eficace numai într-un Univers absolut, limitat. Dar lecÈ›ia de c?p?tâi a Universului nostru relativist este c? lucrurile se schimb?. Orice putere trebuie s? înfrunte întotdeauna o putere mai mare.
- Frank Herbert
Bis jetzt haben die Menschen, wenn sie die Oberfläche ihrer Planeten veränderten, nichts als Krankheiten zugefügt. Glücklicherweise tendiert die Natur dazu, den ihr zugefügten Schaden zu absorbieren oder sie dem eigenen System geschickt anzupassen.
- Frank Herbert
There had been so many things to learn. Arrakis would be a place so different from Caladan that Paul's mind whirled with the new knowledge. Arrakis—Dune—Desert Planet.
- Frank Herbert
The greatest thing is, at any moment, to be willing to give up who we are in order to become all that we can be.
- Max De Pree
Just because you win the French Open it doesn't mean you can do well at Wimbledon.
- Li Na
One of the things that I'm really proud of is that I have really good timing. It's very easy for me to see what's coming up and it's no coincidence that I went headfirst into wine and then headfirst into new media - none at all.
- Gary Vaynerchuk
The one thing that I always try and take with me, if there's, like, a remake, or you're doing something again, is that every generation has a new story to tell.
- Florence Pugh