Quotes about Adaptation
A Short History of Medicine 2000 B.C. - "Here, eat this root." 1000 B.C. - "That root is heathen, say this prayer." 1850 A.D. - "That prayer is superstition, drink this potion." 1940 A.D. - "That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill." 1985 A.D. - "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic." 2000 A.D. - "That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root."
- Anonymous
Tyrannosaurus drives. Tyrannosaurus texts. Tyrannosaurus rex.
- Anonymous
Happy is he who can forget what cannot be changed.
- Anonymous
There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.
- Anonymous
I like my new telephone, my computer works just fine, my calculator is perfect, but Lord, I miss my mind!
- Anonymous
Trigonometry is a sine of the times.
- Anonymous
Carried about with every wind of doctrine.
- Anonymous
Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
- Anonymous
God changes not what is in a people, until they change what is in themselves.
- Anonymous
Neither do men put new wine into old bottles.
- Anonymous
When life throws you lemons, make orange juice. It will leave them wondering how the hell you did that.
- Anonymous
A closed mind is a good thing to lose.
- Anonymous