Quotes about Social justice
Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God's children.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Continue to speak out against all forms of injustice to yourselves and others, and you will set a mighty example for your children and for future generations.
- Bernice King
Black lives matter, as a subset of all lives matter. So any injustices to a particular group must be addressed specific to that group but under the banner that all life is created in the image of God.
- Tony Evans
In these days of difficulty, we Americans everywhere must and shall choose the path of social justiceā¦, the path of faith, the path of hope, and the path of love toward our fellow man.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
How can we worship a homeless man on Sunday and ignore one on Monday?
- Shane Claiborne
Equality, citizens, is not the whole of society on a level, a society of tall blades of grass and small oaks, or a number of entangled jealousies. It is, legally speaking, every aptitude having the same opportunity for a career; politically all consciences having the same right. Equality has an organ, gratuitous and compulsory education. We must begin with the right to the alphabet.
- Victor Hugo
The sacred law of Jesus Christ governs our civilization, but it does not, as yet, permeate it; it is said that slavery has disappeared from European civilization. This is a mistake. It still exists; but it weighs only upon the woman, and it is called prostitution.
- Victor Hugo
He asked himself... whether it was not outrageous for society to treat thus precisely those of its members who were the least well endowed in the division of goods made by chance, and consequently the most deserving of consideration.
- Victor Hugo
AIDS is the leprosy of the 21st Century. Where did Jesus hang out? With lepers. Jesus would love on people with AIDS.
- Rick Warren
With utmost courage, Jesus taught a gospel of nonviolence. Is the church today practicing the same by its presence and behavior? Do the churches practice nonviolence and social justice, or do they align themselves with governments that practice violence and hatred?
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Jesus is the movement for social justice, and the movement for social justice is Jesus in the present.
- Karl Barth
Some Generations ago a man challenged to tell you why he forswore his manhood in any particular regard would have answered you that it was because he feared punishment at the hands of the law; to-day he will tell you that it is because he fears unemployment... In the Seventeenth Century a man feared to go to Mass lest the Judges should punish him. To-day a man fears to speak in favor of some social theory which he holds to be just and true lest his master should punish him.
- Hilaire Belloc