Quotes about Discipline
When I went to my room after breakfast, I made my bed, straightened the room, dusted the floor, and did whatever else came to my attention. Then I hurried to my violin practice. I found I wasn't progressing as I thought I should, so I reversed things. Until my practice period was completed, I deliberately neglected everything else. That program of planned neglect, I believe, accounts for my success.
- John Maxwell
Look at last week's schedule. How much of your time did you devote to regular, disciplined activities? Did you do anything to grow and improve yourself professionally? Did you engage in activities promoting good health? Did you dedicate part of your income to savings or investments? If you've been putting off those things, telling yourself that you'll do them later, you may need to work on your self-discipline.
- John Maxwell
Every day I read, write, think, ask questions, and file what I learn. These are the five disciplines I practice to keep improving.
- John Maxwell
A person without discipline is in a prison without bars.
- John Maxwell
Leaders who are effective are leaders who are disciplined in their daily lives.
- John Maxwell
Achievement comes from the habit of good thinking.
- John Maxwell
If you want to be productive, you should try to learn to get joy from what gives the greatest return and discipline yourself to do those things.
- John Maxwell
Most people produce only when they feel like it. Leaders produce even when they don't feel like it.
- John Maxwell
Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.
- John Maxwell
Focus and follow through.
- John Maxwell
Before you get out of bed every morning, say 'do it now' fifty times. At the end of the day before you go to sleep, the last thing you should do is say 'do it now' fifty times.
- John Maxwell
To develop your integrity, make a commitment to yourself to be scrupulously honest. Don't shave the truth, don't tell white lies, and don't fudge numbers. Be truthful even when it hurts. To develop authenticity, be yourself with everyone. Don't play politics, role play, or pretend to be anything you're not. To strengthen your discipline, do the right things every day regardless of how you feel.
- John Maxwell