Quotes about Discipline
Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your feet away from evil.
- Proverbs 4:27
and you will say, “How I hated discipline, and my heart despised reproof!
- Proverbs 5:12
He dies for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.
- Proverbs 5:23
Allow no sleep to your eyes or slumber to your eyelids.
- Proverbs 6:4
Walk in the manner of the ant, O slacker; observe its ways and become wise.
- Proverbs 6:6
How long will you lie there, O slacker? When will you get up from your sleep?
- Proverbs 6:9
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest,
- Proverbs 6:10
For this commandment is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way to life,
- Proverbs 6:23
My son, keep my words and treasure my commandments within you.
- Proverbs 7:1
Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths.
- Proverbs 7:25
When words are many, sin is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise.
- Proverbs 10:19
Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.
- Proverbs 12:1