Quotes about Discipline
Most discipline is hidden discipline, designed not to liberate but to limit. Do not ask Why? Be cautious with How? Why? leads inexorably to paradox. How? traps you in a universe of cause and effect. Both deny the infinite.
- Frank Herbert
The mind commands the body and it obeys. The mind orders itself and meets resistance." Yes—I am meeting more resistance lately. I could use a quiet retreat by myself. A
- Frank Herbert
Love exercised while duty is neglected will make children headstrong, willful, perverse, selfish, and disobedient. If stern duty is left to stand alone without love to soften and win, it will have a similar result. Duty and love must be blended in order that children may be properly disciplined.
- Ellen White
The only safe ruler is he who has learned to obey willingly.
- Thomas a Kempis
The most important thing is that you can make tough decisions, discipline people when you need to, but also create a spirit to get the ultimate thing you're aiming for, which is winning enough games.
- Chris Hughton
Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation.
- St. Augustine
Perhaps the secret of living a holy life is to avoid every thing which will displease God and grieve the Spirit, and to be strictly attentive to the means of grace.
- Adoniram Judson
As a heterosexual ballet dancer, you develop a thick skin.
- Ronald Reagan
To create a work of art, great or small, is work, hard work, and work requires discipline and order.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Sportsmanship, next to the Church, is the greatest teacher of morals.
- Herbert Hoover
A life marked by daily answer to prayer is evidence of spiritual maturity.
- Andrew Murray
And so He teaches us two lessons of deep importance about prayer. The one is that faith needs a life of prayer in which to grow and keep strong. The other is that prayer needs fasting for its full and perfect development.
- Andrew Murray