Quotes about Discipline
Elisabeth Elliot is more precise when she explains that "freedom and discipline have come to be regarded as mutually exclusive, when in fact freedom is not at all the opposite, but the final reward, of discipline.
- Donald Whitney
In most Christian circles you will rarely hear fasting mentioned, and few will have read anything about it. And yet it's mentioned in Scripture more times even than something as important as baptism (about seventy-seven times for fasting to seventy-five for baptism).
- Donald Whitney
No one coasts into Christlikeness. Any progress in godliness requires Spirit-filled effort and purpose.
- Donald Whitney
Freedom through discipline is the idea behind what has become known as "the ten-thousand-hour rule."
- Donald Whitney
From biblical times to our time, godly people have always been spiritually disciplined people.
- Donald Whitney
Godliness requires disciplined worship.
- Donald Whitney
Without a clear biblical purpose, fasting becomes an end in itself.
- Donald Whitney
So "come, let us worship" (Psalm 95:6) the one, true God who has ordained the Spiritual Discipline of worshiping Him—in public, in the family, and in private—as one of the most bountiful means of receiving the grace to grow in Christlikeness. For as we grow in the worship of God, we grow in the likeness of Christ.
- Donald Whitney
The job of a football coach is to make men do what they don't want to do in order to achieve what they've always wanted to be."
- Donald Whitney
Pray over the Scriptures. Christians just setting out on the path of prayer sometimes pray for everything they can think of, glance at their watches, and discover they have been at it for all of three or four minutes. This experience sometimes generates feelings of defeat, discouragement, even despair. A great way to begin to overcome this problem is to pray through various biblical passages.
- Donald Whitney
To be like Jesus, we must see the use of our time as a Spiritual Discipline.
- Donald Whitney
The contemporary sluggard won't go to places he should go (such as church), saying, "It's too dangerous out there on the highways!" Or he might say, "If I discipline my time for the purpose of godliness, I might miss important things on TV or the Internet, or become so busy I won't get enough rest!" And he plops down on the couch or rolls back over in bed.
- Donald Whitney