Quotes about Discipline
John's core chapters (6—19) tell us, and this concludes our observations, that the three times seven judgments are disciplines designed by God to woo people from the way of the Dragon to the way of the Lamb.
- Scot McKnight
As we grow detached from things, we come (with God's help) to master our desires, and we give the mastery over to God. Discipline and divine grace heal the intellect and the will of the effects of concupiscence. We can begin to see things clearly.
- Scott Hahn
God] disciplines us for our good, that we may share His holiness.
- Scott Hahn
Judgment, then, is not an impersonal, legalistic process. It is a matter of love, and it is something we choose for ourselves. Nor is punishment a vindictive act. God's "curses" are not expressions of hatred, but of fatherly love and discipline. Like medicinal ointment, they hurt in order to heal. They impose suffering that is remedial, restorative, and redemptive. God's wrath is an expression of His love for His wayward children.
- Scott Hahn
To deny the force of divine judgment, then, is to make God less than God, and to make us less than His children. For every father must discipline His children, and paternal discipline is itself a mercy, a fatherly expression of love.
- Scott Hahn
Insomnia never comes to a man who has to get up exactly at six o'clock. Insomnia troubles only those who can sleep any time.
- Elbert Hubbard
I played sports year around: basketball, soccer, softball and I ran track year around, from the time I was, like, six, seven.
- Gabrielle Union
If you want to be holy then you must give time to God and not just intend to.
- AW Tozer
Breaking old habits and forming new ones always takes time, but it is worth it in the end.
- Joyce Meyer
Three enemies that will weaken your ministry over time: Self-indulgence, bitterness, and carelessness. Strong people discipline their desires, restrain their reactions, and keep their commitments.
- Rick Warren
When habit has strengthened our sense of duties, they leave us no time for other things; but when young we neglect them and this gives us time for anything.
- Thomas Jefferson
I have so much to do today that I must set apart more time than usual to pray.
- Martin Luther