Quotes about Education
Children will learn far more by watching than by just listening.
- Billy Graham
You can put a public school and university in the middle of every block of every city in America—but you will never keep America from rotting morally by mere intellectual education.
- Billy Graham
Partial education throughout the world is far worse than none at all if we educate the mind but not the soul.
- Billy Graham
In many homes and among so-called educated people—it has become fashionable to joke about the Bible and to regard it more as a dust-catcher than as the living Word of God.
- Billy Graham
I am in favor of hanging the Ten Commandments in every schoolroom in the country so young people can know the difference between right and wrong. They don't know the difference and we're seeing the evidence of that all around us every day.
- Billy Graham
We have become a nation of biblical illiterates.
- Billy Graham
A survey reported that the majority of the seminaries [in the United States] had no classes on prayer. That really shouldn't surprise us when we consider how many local churches offer classes on gardening and the "Art of Conversation" instead of the study of God's Word and prayer.
- Billy Graham
When most major Protestant denominations have their annual councils, assemblies, or conventions, they make pronouncements on matters having to do with disarmament, federal aid to education, birth control, the United Nations, and any number of social and political issues. Very rarely are any resolutions passed that have to do with the redemptive witness of the Gospel.
- Billy Graham
If you have four years to complete your college education, do it.
- Bo Jackson
At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence.
- Booker T. Washington
If you can't read, it's going to be hard to realize dreams.
- Booker T. Washington
The Negro is not the man farthest down. The condition of the coloured farmer in the most backward parts of the Southern States of America, even where he has the least education and the least encouragement, is incomparably better than the condition and opportunities of the agricultural population in Sicily.
- Booker T. Washington