Quotes about Cleansing
Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid: cleanse the thoughts of my heart by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that I may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name by the practice of Christian-year spirituality; through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen. —ROBERT WEBBER
- Scot McKnight
Purity is not the same as morality but is about who or what is fit for the temple, and so classifications are made.
- Scot McKnight
Oh, that God would purge away my dross, and take away my tin, and refine me seven times.
- Jonathan Edwards
Similarly, anyone who wishes to understand the mind of the sacred writers must first cleanse his own life, and approach the saints by copying their deeds.
- Athanasius of Alexandria
What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus."
- Jerry Bridges
Death is the only water to wash away this dirt.
- Euripides
Keep your mental and spiritual contact points cleaned so that God can operate through your mind.
- Norman Vincent Peale
Sunday, if I'm lucky, I'll go to church or listen to some good spiritual advice on the television or on the radio. I take three or four baths to try to cleanse myself, so I'm fresh for Monday.
- Maya Angelou
Unforgiveness is spiritual filthiness, so get washed in the water of God's Word to forgive and stay clean.
- Joyce Meyer
Any weapon touched by a woman, even by accident, must be cleansed with both water and prayer so that her essence would not linger, diverting the warrior who might use it next, for even the faintest touch could bring lust to that man's heart. Perhaps that meant a woman who was well trained in arms would be the superior warrior, her attention never wavering from her task.
- Alice Hoffman
When he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple.
- Anonymous
Cleanse thou me from secret faults.
- Anonymous