Quotes about Brotherly
Now about brotherly love, you do not need anyone to write to you, because you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another.
- 1 Thessalonians 4:9
and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.
- 2 Peter 1:7
In short, the Christmas spirit is the Christ spirit, that makes our hearts glow in brotherly love and friendship and prompts us to kind deeds of service.
- David O. McKay
A good man regards the root; he fixes the root, and ail else flows out of it. The root is filial piety; the fruit brotherly love.
- Confucius
With a remainder of that brotherly compassion which is never totally absent from the heart of a drinker, Phoebus rolled Jehan with his foot onto one of those poor man's pillows which Providence provides on all the street corners of Paris and which the rich disdainfully refer to as heaps of garbage.
- Victor Hugo
But we ever find, that even those who have not been deficient in their zeal for piety, nor in reverence and sobriety in handling the mysteries of God, have by no means agreed among themselves on every point; for God hath never favored his servants with so great a benefit, that they were all endued with a full and perfect knowledge in every thing; and, no doubt, for this end — that he might first keep them humble; and secondly, render them disposed to cultivate brotherly intercourse.
- John Calvin
In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock!
- Graham Greene
We can have peace and brotherly love by accepting our responsibility to preserve freedom.
- Ronald Reagan