Quotes about Confusion
Lukewarm acceptance is more bewildering than outright rejection.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Undine was fiercely independent and yet passionately imitative. She wanted to surprise every one by her dash and originality, but she could not help modelling herself on the last person she met, and the confusion of ideals thus produced caused her much perturbation when she had to choose between two courses.
- Edith Wharton
Humility means that you acknowledge you don't know everything, and you might be especially confused when it comes to God.
- Edward Welch
I used to go away for weeks in a state of confusion.
- Albert Einstein
I have never met anyone who wasn't confused inside.
- Olga Tokarczuk
When you spend time with potential customers, you get to hear about their struggles firsthand. You see their eyes light up with excitement or darken with confusion. You learn things you would never find in a survey, database, or questionnaire. You learn why people buy.
- Jason Fried
As one can hardly find any thing in a house where nothing keeps its place, but all is cast on a heap together; so it is in the heart where all things are in disorder, especially when darkness is added to this disorder: so that the hear t is like an obscure cave or dungeon, where there is but a little crevice of light, and a man must rather grope than see No wonder if men mistake in searching such a heat, sand so miscarry in judging of their estate (304).
- Richard Baxter
Most people confuse their life situation with their actual life, which is an underlying flow beneath the everyday events. This deeper discovery is largely what religious people mean by "finding their soul.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
For postmodern people, the universe is not inherently enchanted, as it was for the ancients. We have to do all the "enchanting" ourselves. This leaves us alone, confused, and doubtful. There is no meaning already in place for our discovery and enjoyment.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
God can pick sense out of a confused prayer. These desires cry louder in his ears than your sins.
- Richard Sibbes
Without a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationships, churches, or other externals — hoping each change will settle the confusion or fill the emptiness in your heart. You think, Maybe this time it will be different, but it doesn't solve your real problem — a lack of focus and purpose.
- Rick Warren
Without a clear purpose, you will keep changing directions, jobs, relationships, churches, or other externals — hoping each change will settle the confusion or fill the emptiness in your heart.
- Rick Warren