Quotes about Confusion
As the people came to a desert place to hear John the Baptist proclaim, "Thus saith the Lord," so [man] in his confusions, frustrations, and bewilderment will come to hear the minister who preaches with authority.
- Billy Graham
Today we have more knowledge than at any other time in history. In seconds our laptops or PCs can call up information about a topic that would have taken years to collect. Young people graduate with more knowledge than ever before—but in spite of their knowledge, they are confused, bewildered, frustrated, and without moral moorings.
- Billy Graham
We are the most informed people in the history of civilization—and yet the most confused. Though our heads are crammed with knowledge, our hearts are empty.
- Billy Graham
Rebellion, waywardness, lack of discipline, confusion, and conflict prevent happy relationships within the home. But God is interested in your family, your marriage, your children. He shows us the ideals and the goals for the family.
- Billy Graham
Our souls have a disease. It causes all the troubles and difficulties in the world. It causes all the troubles, confusions, and disillusionments in your own life. The name of the disease is . . . sin.
- Billy Graham
We are living in a topsy-turvy world, where all is confusion. But you may be sure that it is confusion with a plan—Satan's plan!
- Billy Graham
Satan is the master of the ultimate double-talk and sophistry. He calls evil good and continues to confuse men with his cleverly disguised untruths.
- Billy Graham
There are storms in your own life: storms of temptation, confusion, and difficulty... An uneasy conscience says, "Stop before it is too late!"
- Billy Graham
Truth is eternal. Knowledge is changeable. It is disastrous to confuse them.
- Madeleine L'Engle
The truth is that when it comes to suffering, if we do not go to our graves in confusion, we will not go to our graves trusting. Explanations are a substitute for trust.
- Tullian Tchividjian
It was her false self that was confused, thinking that it knew what ugly was and stewing in it, trying to be good enough when there was no such thing. The ugliness had been corrected a long time ago through forgiveness. It was time to forgive herself and surrender to the truth. She
- Ted Dekker
We watched him go, stunned and confused. At least I did. What he said made sense in my old way of being. Sylous was an angel, sent with the word of God to the elect. He had to be.
- Ted Dekker