Quotes about Art
Art creates an incomparable and unique effect, and, having done so, passes on to other things. Nature, upon the other hand, forgetting that that imitation can be made the sincerest form of insult, keeps on repeating this effect until we all become absolutely wearied of it.
- Oscar Wilde
The arts that have escaped [uniformity] best are the arts in which the public take no interest. Poetry is an instance of what I mean. We have been able to have fine poetry in England because the public do not read it, and consequently do not influence it.
- Oscar Wilde
Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion. In art, as in politics, there is but one origin for all revolutions, a desire on the part of man for a nobler form of life, for a freer method and opportunity of expression
- Oscar Wilde
Don't spoil him. Don't try to influence him. Your influence would be bad. The world is wide and has many marvellous people in it. Don't take away from me the one person who gives to my art whatever charm that possesses: my life as an artist depends on him.
- Oscar Wilde
The fact is that we look back on the ages entirely through the medium of Art, and Art, very fortunately, has never once told us the truth.
- Oscar Wilde
Nothing really at any period of my life was ever of the smallest importance to me compared with Art. But in the case of an artist, weakness is nothing less than a crime, when it is a weakness that paralyses the imagination
- Oscar Wilde
He has a simple and a beautiful nature...Don't spoil him. Don't try to influence him. Your influence would be bad. The world is wide, and has many marvellous people in it. Don't take away from me the one person who gives to my art whatever charm it possesses: my life as an artist depends on him.
- Oscar Wilde
Love is a more wonderful thing than art.' 'They are both simply forms of imitation,' remarked Lord Henry.
- Oscar Wilde
Even now I cannot help feeling that it is a mistake to think that the passion one feels in creation is ever really shown in the work one creates. Art is always more abstract than we fancy. Form and colour tell us of form and colour--that is all. It often seems to me that art conceals the artist far more completely than it ever reveals him.
- Oscar Wilde
The art of living. The only really Fine Art we have produced in modern times.
- Oscar Wilde
What the worm was to the corpse, his sins would be to the painted image on the canvas.
- Oscar Wilde
As the door closed behind them, the painter flung himself down on a sofa, and a look of pain came into his face.
- Oscar Wilde