Quotes about Art
Without this playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of the imagination is incalculable.
- Carl Jung
Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It's a gift to the world and every being in it. Don't cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you've got.
- Steven Pressfield
It is the object which aroused the artist, stimulated his ideas and set of his emotions. These ideas and emotions will be imprisoned in his work for good.
- Pablo Picasso
No work of art ever puts forward views. Views belong to people who are not artists.
- Oscar Wilde
Every authentic work of art is a gift offered to the future.
- Albert Camus
We are...a Divine work of art, something that God is making...something with which He will not be satisfied until it has a certain character.
- CS Lewis
I am afraid that as evangelicals, we think that a work of art only has value if we reduce it to a tract.
- Francis Schaeffer
When the bright angel dominates, out comes a great work of art, a Michelangelo David or a Beethoven symphony.
- Madeleine L'Engle
A life well lived is the most exquisite work of art.
- Erwin McManus
Words are in a way our godly sharing in the work of creation, and the speaking and writing of words is at once the most human and the most holy business we engage in.
- Frederick Buechner
Art is not tame, and Nature is not wild, in the ordinary sense. A perfect work of man's art would also be wild or natural in a good sense.
- Henry David Thoreau
I always liked the idea that you can put something in you onto a canvas or a piece of paper and have it exist there and not inside you. It's a way to control things.
- El-P