Quotes about Association
But people seem to have a great love for names; for to know a great many names, seems to look like knowing a good many things; though I should not be surprised, if there were a great many more names than things in the world.
- Herman Melville
In all fairness to Secretary [Hillary] Clinton I want you to be very happy. It's very important to me.
- Donald Trump
It's not that the law has no meaning; it's just that grace has the last word.
- Shane Claiborne
When you twist the cross, you get a swastika.
- Shane Claiborne
Plot is a primitive vulgarity in literature," said Balph Eubank contemptuously.
- Ayn Rand
The joke is on both of you. Your sanction is the only source of certainty he has.
- Ayn Rand
We have met once," she said, "at the Holcombes. If Mr. Roark remembers.
- Ayn Rand
There were those who argued that government should not interject itself into civil society, that no law could force white people to associate with blacks. Upon hearing these arguments, Dr. King replied, "It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me but it can keep him from lynching me and I think that is pretty important, also.
- Barack Obama
Principles are the territory. Values are maps. When we value correct principles, we have truth—a knowledge of things as they are.
- Stephen Covey
We often choose a friend as we do a mistress - for no particular excellence in themselves, but merely from some circumstance that flatters our self-love.
- William Hazlitt
An interest in souls divorced from an interest in Scripture leaves us without a text that shapes these souls. In the same way, an interest in Scripture divorced from an interest in souls leaves us without any material for the text to work on.
- Eugene Peterson
Bible teachers are to instruct in order to explain what they just did, or are about to do.
- Bill Johnson