Quotes about Sufficiency
What Jesus did for me on the cross contained all I would ever need for time and eternity—physically, spiritually, materially, emotionally.
- Derek Prince
21."To the uttermost" (Heb. 7:25) means "completely." This includes every need of every sinner now and forever. Jesus
- Derek Prince
We do as much, we eat as much, we want as much.
- Sojourner Truth
Jesus isn't dependent on natural provision. If we need something, as a matter of first things first, we don't need to ask the people who have enough if they will provide for us. Corporations and rich people aren't in charge of the kingdom of God.
- Louie Giglio
If we truly want to change, then we need to understand our dependency on the all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ. Our change is more about trusting and less about trying.
- Louie Giglio
Our ultimate defense against giants—the best defense we have—is to lean into the all-sufficiency of Jesus.
- Louie Giglio
In their Christian walk, many believers have bought into maintaining rather than multiplying—just barely getting by instead of experiencing abundance.
- John Bevere
But one morning as I was again at prayer, and trembling under the fear of this, That no word of God could help me, that piece of a sentence darted in upon me, My grace is sufficient.
- John Bunyan
Therefore I did still pray to God, that He would come in with this scripture more fully on my heart; to wit, that He would help me to apply the whole sentence, for as yet I could not: that He gave, that I gathered; but farther I could not go, for as yet it only helped me to hope there might be mercy for me; My grace is sufficient: And though it came no farther, it answered my former question, to wit, That there was hope;
- John Bunyan
Further, He that cometh to Jesus Christ for life, taketh part with him against sin, and against the ragged and imperfect righteousness of the world; yea, and against false Christs, and damnable errors, that set themselves against the worthiness of his merits and sufficiency. This is evident, for that such a soul singleth Christ out from them all, as the only one that can save.
- John Bunyan
Walk confidently in the fact that our all-sufficient God did not make you insufficient or broken.
- Lysa TerKeurst
When we have Christ, we are full—fully loved and accepted and empowered to say no.
- Lysa TerKeurst