Quotes about Sufficiency
God doesn't give us just enough. God gives us more than enough: more bread and fish than we can eat, more love than we dared to ask for.
- Henri Nouwen
Debt comes from wanting more than God's current provision for your life and arranging other ways to get it.
- Bill Hybels
God, of your goodness, give me yourself; you are enough for me, and anything less that I could ask for would not do you full honor. And if I ask anything that is less, I shall always lack something, but in you alone I have everything'.
- Julian of Norwich
For this is the cause why we be not all in ease of heart and soul: that we seek here rest in those things that are so little, wherein is no rest, and know not our God that is All-mighty, All-wise, All-good. For He is the Very Rest. God willeth to be known, and it pleaseth Him that we rest in Him; for all that is beneath Him sufficeth not us.
- Julian of Norwich
The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much. It is whether we provide enough to those who have little.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
The gospel declares that no matter how dutiful or prayerful we are, we can't save ourselves. What Jesus did was sufficient.
- Brennan Manning
Wallowing in shame, remorse, self-hatred, and guilt over real or imagined failings in our past lives betrays a distrust in the love of God. It shows that we have not accepted the acceptance of Jesus Christ and thus have rejected the total sufficiency of his redeeming work. Preoccupation with our past sins, present weaknesses, and character defects gets our emotions churning in self-destructive ways, closes us within the mighty citadel of self, and preempts the presence of a compassionate God.
- Brennan Manning
Not for heaven's sake but for our sakes, yours and mine. This vulgar grace is indiscriminate compassion. It works without asking anything of us. It's not cheap. It's free, and as such will always be a banana peel for the orthodox foot and a fairy tale for the grown-up sensibility. Grace is sufficient even though we huff and puff with all our might to try to find something or someone it cannot cover. Grace is enough. He is enough. Jesus is enough.
- Brennan Manning
God meets daily needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will give you what you need when it is needed.
- Max Lucado
Day by day we are given not what we want but what we need. Sometimes it is a feast and sometimes...swept crumbs, but by faith we believe it is enough.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
The word enough does not exist in Love's vocabulary.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Take all away. I am content to know Such love is mine-for life is all too brief To grieve for pleasures bringing only grief; Give me but You; it is enough just so.
- Ruth Bell Graham