Quotes about Talent
It takes both courage and talent to stand up in front of fellow human beings and make them crack a smile, and at the same time keep it clean.
- Ray Comfort
Artistic talent is like a brilliant firework which streaks across a pitch-black night, inspiring awe among onlookers but extinguishing itself in seconds, leaving behind only darkness and longing.
- Alain de Botton
It's not how high you jump, how fast you run. All you guys here can run faster, jump higher. But I'll tell you, I can get my friend Larry Bird and the two of us will play any two of you and when it's all said and done, we will get the last laugh.
- Dick Vitale
I flapped open the lid of my cardboard guitar case and whipped out my old Martin. Mr. Killen seemed a little taken aback. I think he wasn't sure whether I was going to play the guitar or brain him with it. He breathed a sigh of relief when I went into a song. Bill hustled his guitar out as fast as he could and joined in. I sang loud and strong with the security that comes with knowing that one way or another, it'll be over soon.
- Dolly Parton
In life there is nothing more common than talent and intelligence. What is missing is passion, persistence, commitment, and dedication.
- Calvin Coolidge
I am a poor man and of little worth, who is laboring in that art that God has given me in order to extend my life as long as possible.
- Michelangelo
Life is entrusted to man as a treasure which must not be squandered, as a talent which must be used well.
- Pope John Paul II
More men fail though lack of purpose than lack of talent.
- Billy Sunday
Nobody knows what's in him until he tries to pull it out.
- Ernest Hemingway
We must all be cut out for what we do, he thought. However you make your living is where your talent lies.
- Ernest Hemingway
Your talent and giftedness as a leader have the potential to take you farther than your character can sustain you. That ought to scare you.
- Andy Stanley
As a next generation leader you already possess the talent and intuition necessary to lead. But chances are it is your courage that will establish you as a leader in the minds of others. To put it in perspective, try to identify a leader worth following who didn't pop up on the public radar screen as a result of a decision or action that required courage.
- Andy Stanley