Quotes about Blessings
In the midst of the shopping and the wrapping and the arranging of presents under your tree this Christmas, may you not forget the gifts you cannot yet hold in your hands.
- Bishop TD Jakes
I believe ingratitude is the original sin. I believe if Adam and Eve had been grateful for the garden of Eden they had, they would not have been so focused on the one tree they didn't have.
- Max Lucado
Keep honoring God with your life, stay in peace, trust His timing and God will open doors that no man can shut.
- Joel Osteen
God has blessed me with more than I need. I'm rich. I will not trust in riches but in Him who richly provides. Because I have more, I will give more and do more.
- Craig Groeschel
Teach yourself to thankfully receive all that God gives you as evidence of His love and faithfulness, and then you'll find it easier to trust Him next time.
- Henry Blackaby
Heavenly Father and the Savior are grateful that you do your part. They know you, They watch over you, and They love you.
- Henry B. Eyring
Every moment brings us some benediction. Even the rough hand of trial holds in its clasp for us some treasure of love.
- J.R. Miller
God will not be behind-hand in love to us: for our drop, we shall receive an ocean.
- Thomas Watson
Just when the womb gets too old for babies, Sarai gets pregnant. Just when the failure is too great for grace, David is pardoned. And just when the road is too dark for Mary and Mary, the angel glows and the Savior shows and the two women will never be the same. The lesson? Three words. Don't give up.
- Max Lucado
There are times when God sends thunder to stir us. There are times when God sends blessings to lure us. But then there are times when God sends nothing but silence as he honors us with the freedom to choose where we spend eternity.
- Max Lucado
Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff...Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread.
- Max Lucado
God] dispenses his goodness not with an eyedropper but a fire hydrant. Your heart is a Dixie cup, and his grace is the Mediterranean Sea. You simply can't contain it all. So let it bubble over. Spill out. Pour forth. 'Freely you have received, freely give' (Matt. 10:8 NIV).
- Max Lucado