Quotes about Blessings
Know who you are, hold your head up confidently, and enjoy the life that Jesus has provided for you.
- Joyce Meyer
Psalm 1:2,3 speaks of the godly man and says, "But his delight and desire are in the
- Joyce Meyer
With that in mind, here is a list of suggested things to thank God for. You may not have everything on this list (right now), but maybe many of them will resonate with you. The leper I met would have been elated to have any of these things. A roof over your head A friend who checks in on you Family members who love you A car that is running (yes, even if it's barely running) A full stomach Hot and cold running water A sense of humor
- Joyce Meyer
Don't just serve God, enjoy God. Enjoy being God's child. Enjoy the little corner of life that He has given you!
- Joyce Meyer
If we simply ask God, He will deliver us from the pain of our past mistakes and create in us a steadfast spirit. But while we do not have to do anything to receive God's deliverance, we can miss out on blessings if we run away from our problems without letting God bring us through them.
- Joyce Meyer
We should want Him more than anything. If we seek Him first, then all other things will be added to our lives.
- Joyce Meyer
Our lives are going to be less than God's best if we are consumed with "self." Self-centeredness keeps us from seeing the needs of others and causes us to miss the blessings that come when we serve. We don't have to totally forget about our own needs. But we can chase selfishness away by not always thinking about our needs first.
- Joyce Meyer
lookout for God's love to show up in your life. Try not to miss one thing He does. God often works through people, so when someone you know does something kind for you, it is actually God loving
- Joyce Meyer
The psalmist said that he thought about or meditated on the precepts of God. That means that he spent a lot of time pondering and thinking on the ways of God, His instructions and His teachings. Psalm 1:3 says that the person who does this "shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].
- Joyce Meyer
We all know that we must sow seed if we are to reap a harvest (Galatians 6:7). Sowing seed into the lives of other people is one sure way to reap a harvest in our own life.
- Joyce Meyer
You must realize that you can never deserve God's blessings—you can never be worthy of them. You can only humbly accept and appreciate them, and be in awe of how good He is and how much He loves you.
- Joyce Meyer
Stop Saying "Hate" and Start Saying "Joy
- Joyce Meyer