Quotes about Blessings
Once we understood that we were giving away God's money to do God's work, we discovered a peace and joy we never had back when we thought it was our money!
- Randy Alcorn
Our degree of happiness in life largely depends on: the amount of happiness we believe should be rightfully ours our ability to find delight in a fallen world God will redeem our ability to see the little things—the ten thousand reasons for happiness that surround us that we easily ignore
- Randy Alcorn
God provides not only in what he gives us, but at times in what he keeps from us. Have you ever noticed that excess money just seems to dissipate in a multitude of directions?
- Randy Alcorn
We should thank God for every stream of joy in our lives while recognizing that Christ is the ocean from which every stream flows.
- Randy Alcorn
Let us walk as stewards and not act as owners, keeping for ourselves the means with which the Lord has entrusted us. He has not blessed us that we may gratify our own carnal mind but for the sake of using our money in His service and to His praise." —George Müller
- Randy Alcorn
Baptist pastor Octavius Winslow (1808-1878) said, The child of God is, from necessity, a joyful man. His sins are forgiven, his soul is justified, his person is adopted, his trials are blessings, his conflicts are victories, his death is immortality, his future is a heaven of inconceivable, unthought-of, untold, and endless blessedness—with such a God, such a Saviour, and such a hope, is he not, ought he not, to be a joyful man?
- Randy Alcorn
Perhaps parents' greatest heritage to pass on to their children is the ability to perceive the multitude of God's daily blessings and to respond with continual gratitude. We should be "abounding in thanksgiving" (Colossians 2:7).
- Randy Alcorn
I shovel out the money, and God shovels it back—but God has a bigger shovel." — R. G. LeTourneau
- Randy Alcorn
What suffering teaches us is that three blessings flow from its tutelage: (1) the blessing of an amplified testimony, (2) the blessing of a fulfilled identity, and (3) the blessing of unshakable faith and strength that never drains away.
- Ravi Zacharias
We must meditate on what God has done in our life instead of what we are still waiting on Him to do.
- Joyce Meyer
Don't just try to "make it" through the day. Celebrate the day. Say, "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it" (see Psalm 118:24). Don't dread the day; attack the day. Know what you want to accomplish today and go for it.
- Joyce Meyer
I can patiently wait for the things I want in life, trusting God to bring them in His timing.
- Joyce Meyer