Quotes about Blessings
One of the main reasons that we lose our enthusiasm in life is because we become ungrateful; we take for granted what God has done for us. We let what once was a miracle become common to us. We get so accustomed to goodness, it becomes routine; it doesn't really excite us anymore.
- Joel Osteen
If it's not meeting a need, turn it into a seed. Remember, we will reap what we sow. When you do good for other people, that's when God is going to make sure that His abundant blessings overtake you.
- Joel Osteen
If you will focus on meeting other people's needs, God will always make sure your needs are supplied. God will take care of your problems for you.
- Joel Osteen
When you are committed to doing what's right, you are sowing seeds for God's blessings. You will never go wrong by taking the high road and doing more that is required.
- Joel Osteen
God wants us to live consistently, He wants us to enjoy every single day of our lives.
- Joel Osteen
We have to realize that our lives could be gone in a moment. There are no guarantees that we will be here at this time next year. Learn to live each day to the fullest. Don't complain. Don't focus on what's wrong. Be grateful for the opportunity to experience each day.
- Joel Osteen
Rewards await you if you stay steadfast in your faith.
- Joel Osteen
I DECLARE Ephesians 3:20 over my life. God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think. Because I honor Him, His blessings will chase me down and overtake me. I will be in the right place at the right time. People will go out of their way to be good to me. I am surrounded by God's favor. This is my declaration.
- Joel Osteen
I DECLARE a legacy of faith over my life. I declare that I will store up blessings for future generations. My life is marked by excellence and integrity. Because I'm making right choices and taking steps of faith, others will want to follow me. God's abundance is surrounding my life today. This is my declaration.
- Joel Osteen
God will never ask you for something without first depositing it within you. If you will dare to take a step of faith, you will discover gifts inside that you never before realized were there.
- Joel Osteen
Every twenty-four hours God has a fresh new supply of grace, of favor, of wisdom, of forgiveness.
- Joel Osteen
I have the favor of God. I can do all things through Christ. I am blessed. I'm strong. I'm healthy.
- Joel Osteen