Quotes about Teaching
Jesus was not offering a teaching that could be compared with that of other teachers—though his teaching, as it stands, is truly remarkable. He was not offering a moral example, though if we want such a thing he remains outstanding. He was claiming to do things through which the world would be healed, transformed, rescued, and renewed. He was, in short, announcing good news, for Israel and the whole world.
- NT Wright
The church exists primarily for two closely correlated purposes: to worship God and to work for his kingdom in the world ... The church also exists for a third purpose, which serves the other two: to encourage one another, to build one another up in faith, to pray with and for one another, to learn from one another and teach one another, and to set one another examples to follow, challenges to take up, and urgent tasks to perform. This is all part of what is known loosely as fellowship.
- NT Wright
If you've ever taught a Sunday school class, led a small group, or taught a Bible study, you know there's a lot more behind these words than what appears on the surface. You know that you don't just get up before a group and teach the Word of God with power and effectiveness apart from a lot of time spent in preparation-not just preparation of the notes and the material, but preperation of your heart and life.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
The older we get, the bigger the catalog of failures Satan can throw in our faces. You may think, 'I don't have anything to offer.' But you can teach out of your failures as well as your successes (p. 223).
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Yet church youth groups rarely teach apologetics, majoring instead on games and goodies.
- Nancy Pearcey
People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite... Man's goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.
- Nelson Mandela
you ought not judge" is itself a judgment! (Pluralists misinterpret Jesus' comments on judging [Matt. 7:1-5]. Jesus did not prohibit judging as such, only judging hypocritically.)
- Norman Geisler
any specific teaching that contradicts a teaching of the Bible is false.
- Norman Geisler
The way of the disciple is a different and deeper way of learning.
- Os Guinness
Don't get impatient with others. Remember how God dealt with you—with patience and with gentleness. But never water down the truth of God. Let it have its way and never apologize for it. Jesus said, ââ'¬Ã…"Go . . . and make disciples . . ." (Matthew 28:19), not, "Make converts to your own thoughts and opinions.
- Oswald Chambers
That Christ died for me, and therefore I am completely free from penalty, is never taught in the New Testament. What is taught in the New Testament is that "He died for all" (2 Corinthians 5:15)—not, "He died my death"—and that through identification with His death I can be freed from sin, and have His very righteousness imparted as a gift to me.
- Oswald Chambers
To live a distant, withdrawn, and secluded life is diametrically opposed to spirituality as Jesus Christ taught
- Oswald Chambers