Quotes about Teaching
To learn is to receive, and then it is to give, and then it is to give again.
- Elie Wiesel
The Indian himself must be the answer—he must learn the Scriptures, be taught, and in turn teach his own people. To this end Pete and Jim reopened the missionary school at Shandia that Dr. Tidmarsh had been forced to close. Here in a one-room schoolhouse the youngsters of the community were taught to read and write so that ultimately they could read the Scriptures for themselves.
- Elisabeth Elliot
What is a godly mother? A godly mother is one who loves the Lord her God with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength and then passionately, consistently, and unrelentingly teaches her child to do the same.
- Elizabeth George
He who teaches the Bible is never a scholar; he is always a student.
- Elizabeth George
It's never too early to begin pointing your little ones' souls heavenward.
- Elizabeth George
Home is the best place to teach young men and women about God's kind of love.
- Elizabeth George
One of God's high callings for His people is that they be teachers of good things.
- Elizabeth George
Jesus teaches us to give richly, serve sacrificially, and love unconditionally.
- Elizabeth George
A daughter will follow in her mom's footsteps so make sure to set a good example.
- Elizabeth George
The role of godly parents is to make sure that the hearts and minds of their children are saturated with the Word of God.
- Elizabeth George
help us apply God's teaching, I've put these four biblical elements into an easy-to-remember formula using the word W-I-F-E. Warm up his life with your love Improve his life as a helper Follow his leadership with a willing heart Esteem him highly with utmost respect
- Elizabeth George
The key is putting into practice what God has taught you through His Word.
- Elizabeth George