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Quotes about Teaching

Our mother had taught us that when the moon was white, reappearing after its absence, it was showing us that what had been hidden could easily become whole again.
- Alice Hoffman
And I try to teach my heart not to want nothing it can't have.
- Alice Walker
I guess this is because they teach me, and I teach the children and there's no beginning or end to teaching and learning and working—it all runs together.
- Alice Walker
hadn't realized I was so ignorant, Celie. The little I knew about my own self wouldn't have filled a thimble! And to think Miss Beasley always said I was the smartest child she ever taught! But one thing I do thank her for, for teaching me to learn for myself, by reading and studying and writing a clear hand. And for keeping alive in me somehow the desire to know.
- Alice Walker
On Sundays when I speak, I hopefully give somebody something that they can use the next day at work or at home.
- Joel Osteen
We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. PSALM 78:4
- Joel Osteen
I can't very well be teaching one way and living my life another way. What I do in life must be consistent with the things I say. And the same goes for you.
- Joyce Meyer
On becoming more acquainted with the word of the Bible, I began to understand so much more of what I had been taught, and of what I had learned about life and about the people in mine.
- Duke Ellington
And the greatest teacher of them all, the carpenter from the plains of Galilee, gave us the Secret time and time again, "As ye believe, so shall it be done, unto you.
- Earl Nightingale
A success is the school teacher who is teaching because that's what she wants to do.
- Earl Nightingale
Too often we attempt to teach people to swim in a classroom." If you have ever taken swimming lessons, you immediately get the importance of getting in the water and practicing under the watchful eye of a swimming rabbi. Jesus invited the original twelve to go swimming with Him.
- Ed Stetzer
You cannot "save" a church without focusing on the important things that make it a church—scriptural authority, biblical leadership, teaching and preaching, ordinances, covenant community, and mission.
- Ed Stetzer