Quotes about Clarity
Faith, however, is not intellectual understanding; faith is a deliberate commitment to the Person of Jesus Christ, even when I can't see the way ahead.
- Oswald Chambers
Whenever we put other things first, there is confusion.
- Oswald Chambers
The danger we have is that we want to water down what Jesus said to make it mean something that aligns with our common sense.
- Oswald Chambers
Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint. Proverbs 29:18 (rv)
- Oswald Chambers
If anything is a mystery to you and is coming between you and God, never look for the explanation in your mind, but look for it in your spirit, your true inner nature—that is where the problem is. Once your inner spiritual nature is willing to submit to the life of Jesus, your understanding will be perfectly clear, and you will come to the place where there is no distance between the Father and you, His child, because the Lord has made you one.
- Oswald Chambers
Never run before God's guidance. If there is the slightest doubt, then He is not guiding. Whenever there is doubt - don't.
- Oswald Chambers
Whenever our right becomes the guiding factor of our lives, it dulls our spiritual insight.
- Oswald Chambers
PRAYER THOUGHT: To You I cling, Lord Jesus. You are my only hope of salvation.
- Oswald Chambers
O Lord, this morning disperse every mist, and shine clear and strong and invigoratingly. Forgive my tardiness, it takes me so long to awaken to some things.
- Oswald Chambers
If there is something upon which God has put His pressure, obey in that matter, bring your imagination into captivity to the obedience of Christ with regard to it and everything will become as clear as daylight.
- Oswald Chambers
There are vast areas of stubbornness and ignorance the Holy Spirit has to reveal in each of us, but it can only be done when Jesus gets us alone...Jesus cannot teach us anything until we quiet all our intellectual questions and get alone with Him.
- Oswald Chambers
O Lord, I would seek Thy face now, but what avail is my seeking if Thou revealest not Thyself? Show me Thy face, O Lord. Keep me ever seeing Thee.
- Oswald Chambers