Quotes about Decision
Man had freedom to choose the good, but this same freedom also allowed him to choose the bad. This is called moral freedom.
- Greg Koukl
The man or woman who is wholly or joyously surrendered to Christ can't make a wrong choice/any choice will be the right one.
- AW Tozer
Man must choose his world.
- AW Tozer
In life, man proposes, God disposes.
- Aldous Huxley
The only reason I send a single young man or woman in uniform anywhere in the world is because I think it's necessary to keep us safe.
- Barack Obama
There was nothin to set a man's mind at ease like wakin up in the morning and not havin to decide who you were.
- Cormac McCarthy
The persistent man with a poor plan stands a better chance of winning than the man with a perfect plan who hesitates and waivers in carrying it out.
- Napoleon Hill
Little does the sick man consult his own interests, who makes his physician his heir.
- Publilius Syrus
A part of fate is the freedom of man. Forever wells up the impulse of choosing and acting in his soul.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
When a man's conscience and the laws clash, it is his conscience that he must follow.
- Henry David Thoreau
One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis.
- George W. Bush
You have a choice everyday... You can choose every morning whether you will be depressed and miserable, or whether you will be happy.
- Norman Vincent Peale