Quotes about Brotherhood
If you see your brother’s ox or sheep straying, you must not ignore it; be sure to return it to your brother.
- Deuteronomy 22:1
If your brother does not live near you, or if you do not know who he is, you are to take the animal home to remain with you until your brother comes seeking it; then you can return it to him.
- Deuteronomy 22:2
And you shall do the same for his donkey, his cloak, or anything your brother has lost and you have found. You must not ignore it.
- Deuteronomy 22:3
If you see your brother’s donkey or ox fallen on the road, you must not ignore it; you must help him lift it up.
- Deuteronomy 22:4
Do not despise an Edomite, for he is your brother. Do not despise an Egyptian, because you lived as a foreigner in his land.
- Deuteronomy 23:7
Do not charge your brother interest on money, food, or any other type of loan.
- Deuteronomy 23:19
He may receive no more than forty lashes, lest your brother be beaten any more than that and be degraded in your sight.
- Deuteronomy 25:3
When brothers dwell together and one of them dies without a son, the widow must not marry outside the family. Her husband’s brother is to take her as his wife and fulfill the duty of a brother-in-law for her.
- Deuteronomy 25:5
The first son she bears will carry on the name of the dead brother, so that his name will not be blotted out from Israel.
- Deuteronomy 25:6
The most gentle and refined man among you will begrudge his brother, the wife he embraces, and the rest of his children who have survived,
- Deuteronomy 28:54
Although my brothers who went with me made the hearts of the people melt with fear, I remained loyal to the LORD my God.
- Joshua 14:8
All this time you have not deserted your brothers, up to this very day, but have kept the charge given you by the LORD your God.
- Joshua 22:3