Quotes about Birth
LORD ILLINGWORTH: The soul is born old but grows young. That is the comedy of life. MRS ALLONBY: And the body is born young and grows old. That is life's tragedy.
- Oscar Wilde
Life is a flame that is always burning itself out; but it catches fire again every time a child is born. Life is greater than death, and hope than despair.
- George Bernard Shaw
A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into this world" (John 16:21).
- Jim Daly
We believe that the first time we're born, as children, it's human life given to us; and when we accept Jesus as our Savior, it's a new life. That's what "born again" means.
- Jimmy Carter
The stamp of royal birth is an unmistakable Miracle; and when those who bear a noble name Are worthy of it, the mircable is greater still.
- Euripides
As long ago as 1860 it was the proper thing to be born at home. At present, so I am told, the high gods of medicine have decreed that the first cries of the young shall be uttered upon the anesthetic air of a hospital, preferably a fashionable one.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Then it had not been merely the stars to which he had aspired on that June night. He came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendour.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
I came into this world the way every person on the planet does - with clenched fists.
- Ann Voskamp
God created the first man, whom he called Adam. Then God created a woman, whom ho named Eve; and this man and woman were given the power from Jehovah God to reproduce their kind, that is to say, to cause conception and birth of children.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford
I told them that when you were born, God was so delighted that He sent a hundred angels to kiss you while you were in your mother's arms. Every place where the angels kissed you, they left a tiny dot. That way, if you ever forget how greatly you are loved by God, all you have to do is look at your skin, and you will remember.
- Robin Jones Gunn
Every conception has a touch of the miraculous - this one far more than most.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
They sought to pummel His pride, not understanding He'd laid it aside at birth, when He gave up heaven and came to earth.
- Liz Curtis Higgs