Quotes about History
The best things that have been written, almost, are by Catholics during the counter Reformation: Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis de Sales, John of the Cross, St. Theresa of ?vila.....great stuff.
- Timothy Keller
Skeptics today often claim that George Washington was not a real Christian, but in our view, the burden of proof is on them to explain why he was consistently in church throughout his life, why the churches he was part of were entirely orthodox in terms of the Trinity and the doctrine of Christ, and why he attended churches where the Bible was regularly preached on Sunday.
- Peter Lillback
The skeptics who argue for Washington the Deist must explain his lifelong and heartfelt commitment to Christian missionary work.
- Peter Lillback
Let's begin by noting that Washington historian Rupert Hughes is wrong when he writes in 1926, "… there is no direct allusion to Christ, and the word Christ has been found in none of Washington's almost countless autographs." 3 For George Washington wrote in 1779, "You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are." 4
- Peter Lillback
Only Judaism and Christianity are religions of public record, eyewitnessed facts.
- Peter Kreeft
We make a big deal out of Christmas; we should make an even bigger deal out of March 25. The greatest event in history, the Incarnation, happened at the Annunciation, not the Nativity.
- Peter Kreeft
Christ changed every human being he ever met. In fact, He changed history, splitting it open like a coconut and inserting eternity into the split between B.C. and A.D. If anyone claims to have met Him without being changed, he has not met Him at all. When you touch Him, you touch lightning. Socrates is puzzled because he is looking for the burn marks.
- Peter Kreeft
God's past faithfulness and compassion toward us is a heritage upon which we build our faith in the future.
- David Jeremiah
Oppression and opposition to Jews is nothing new in world history. The descendants of Abraham were enslaved in Egypt for 400 years, then the ten northern tribes were captured by the Assyrians in 722 BC and the two southern tribes by the Babylonians in 586 BC. (Granted, these captivities were due to the Jews' sins.)
- David Jeremiah
Violence has followed our species every step of the way in its long journey through time.
- David Livingstone Smith
We tend to think of the Norman Conquest as the turning point in the history of England. But the Saxon Conquest was even more important, since it created both the reality and the idea of England itself.
- David Starkey
Britannia became the land of the Angles or Ængla Land.
- David Starkey