Quotes about History
A woman's life is a history of the affections.
- Washington Irving
For my part, I love to give myself up to the illusion of poetry. A hero of fiction that never existed is just as valuable to me as a hero of history that existed a thousand years ago.
- Washington Irving
Our old history ends with the Cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.
- Watchman Nee
False Narrative: The Kingdom of God is Future No serious biblical scholar would deny that Jesus' proclaimed the kingdom of God. However, many scholars conclude that Jesus was not talking about our present world but rather an epoch in history that has not yet begun.
- James Bryan Smith
Public virtue is the vital spirit of republics, and history proves that when this has decayed and the love of money has usurped its place, although the forms of free government may remain for a season, the substance has departed forever.
- James Buchanan
The Gospel, expressing Jewish understanding and hope, was a Jewish invention.
- James Carroll
The shame I feel as a Catholic Christian, aware in detail of the ways that the Church sanctified the hatred of Jews, not only betraying Jesus but tilling the soil out of which would come the worst crime in history, is shame not only at what my people did, but at what I can now admit I might well have done myself.
- James Carroll
I had come here with my three questions. The first: How did the history of Christian antisemitism contribute to the Holocaust? The second: How did the Church abet, or oppose, the Holocaust as it unfolded? And the third: How does the Church today negotiate that layered past, both the deep past of antisemitism and the recent past of the Holocaust? With Edith Stein, that.
- James Carroll
It is ironic that America, with its history of injustice to the poor, especially the black man and the Indian, prides itself on being a Christian nation.
- James H. Cone
For the first time in the history of our country the majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years.
- Jimmy Carter
In the "lynching era," between 1880 to 1940, white Christians lynched nearly five thousand black men and women in a manner with obvious echoes of the Roman crucifixion of Jesus. Yet these "Christians" did not see the irony or contradiction in their actions.
- James H. Cone
Unlike Europeans who immigrated to this land to escape from tyranny, Africans came in chains to serve a nation of tyrants.
- James H. Cone