Quotes about History
I love in the Old Testament where they talk about Ebenezer so much... stones to remembrance. And it's like there's constant stones of remembrance of what God has done.
- Jeremy Camp
During the Crusades, when Christians were in the mood to slaughter infidels, they were very cognizant of God's sanctioning faith-based mass murder in parts of the Bible. During the Cold War, when the United States was part of an international multifaith alliance that included Muslim and Buddhist nations, this motif was played down; whole generations of American Christians were weaned on a misleadingly sunny selection of Bible stories.
- Robert Wright
History provides a great example but a terrible excuse.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
Elizabeth just made her confession of faith, and Jesus wasn't even born yet.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.
- Ronald Reagan
We are a Nation Under God. If we ever forget this, we are a nation gone UNDER.
- Ronald Reagan
freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. we did'nt pass it to our children in the bloodstream. it must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same; or, one day, we will spending our sunset years telling our children and our childrens children, what it was once like in the united states where men were free.
- Ronald Reagan
History is made by men and women of vision and courage. Tonight freedom is on the march.
- Ronald Reagan
America was founded by people who believe that God was their rock of safety.
- Ronald Reagan
The past is what the present is doing now.
- Rowan Williams
admire the ingenuity that goes into this but I am not at all convinced that such people have quite got the right end of the stick. Does God really want us to know, in exact detail, ancient Babylonian history? I suspect not. But I am confident that God does want us to know how people in circumstances of acute displacement, living with the fear and the anxiety of a persecuted minority, responded to a hostile state and a pagan power.
- Rowan Williams
the fact that he offered his best. What they leave out of Abraham's history is dread; for to money I have no ethical obligation, but to the son the father has the highest and most sacred obligation. Dread, however, is a perilous thing for effeminate natures, hence they forget it, and in spite of that they want to talk about Abraham.
- Soren Kierkegaard