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Quotes about History

America has probably been the most successful experiment in history. The American Dream was a glorious attempt. It was built on a religious foundation. Its earliest concepts came from Holy Scripture.
- Billy Graham
We are the most informed people in the history of civilization—and yet the most confused. Though our heads are crammed with knowledge, our hearts are empty.
- Billy Graham
God honored and blessed America as few nations in history. However, in recent years the nation has been moving away from its religious heritage.
- Billy Graham
Nations rise, they flourish for a time, and then they decline. Eventually every empire comes to an end; not even the greatest can last forever.
- Billy Graham
There is no doubt that nations come to an end when they have ceased to fulfill the function that God meant for them.
- Billy Graham
Before the seventeenth century, a child passed directly into the adult world between the ages of five and seven . . . then came the industrial revolution . . .so the child-centered home was born.
- Billy Graham
We face a dark time in the history of God's people . . . the forces of evil seem to be gathering for a colossal assault on the work of God in the world. In the darkest hour God can still revive His people, and by the Holy Spirit breathe new vigor and power into the body of Christ.
- Billy Graham
The Bible has survived attack of every kind. Neither barbaric vandalism nor civilized scholarship has touched it. Neither the burning of fire nor the laughter of skepticism has accomplished its annihilation. Through the many dark ages of man, its glorious promises have survived unchanged.
- Billy Graham
Come back to the Bible. Begin to read it. Study it and God will speak to you and change you—and through you perhaps history can be changed.
- Billy Graham
But the judgment of God is not only an event that may take place some day in history when war or conflict might bring death to millions. His judgment is more than death—it is eternal banishment from the presence of God (2 Thessalonians 1:6—10; Revelation 20:11—15).
- Billy Graham
In earlier periods of history, adolescence was virtually unknown... Today, the span between childhood and adulthood may extend over ten years. Deferred adulthood is synonymous with deferred responsibility.
- Billy Graham
Ancient historians tell us that one of the symptoms of a declining civilization is a desexualization of the human race, with men becoming more effeminate and women becoming more masculine, not only in physical [appearance] but in their basic characters.
- Billy Graham