Quotes about Friendship
It is one of the biggest blessing that you can be stupid with your true friends and behave like you shame to do elsewhere
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
In adverse hours the friendship of the good shines most; each prosperous day commands its friends.
- Euripides
There are times when we have had enough even of our Friends.
- Henry David Thoreau
The friendship that can come to an end, never really began.
- Publilius Syrus
Because our expression is imperfect we need friendship to fill up the imperfections.
- GK Chesterton
A divine person is the prophecy of the mind; a friend is the hope of the heart.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is virtue itself that produces and sustains friendship, not without virtue can friendship by any possibility exist.
- Cicero
He can hardly be a true friend to another, who is an enemy to himself.
- James Howell
When someone asked Abraham Lincoln, after he was elected president, what he was going to do about his enemies, he replied, "I am going to destroy them. I am going to make them my friends."
- Abraham Lincoln
Persecution readily knits friendship between its victims.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friend: One who knows all about you and loves you just the same.
- Elbert Hubbard
Where friendship blooms, life is reborn.
- Vincent Van Gogh