Quotes about Friendship
No one is much pleased with a companion who does not increase, in some respect, their fondness for themselves.
- Samuel Johnson
Marriage is the strictest tie of perpetual friendship
- Samuel Johnson
Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny.BibleMatt.xx. 13.5. To
- Samuel Johnson
So you see, Tess, this is really the story about God, the brave, and his love for his bride, you. He gave everything he had for you, including that which he loves the most, Jesus. Not because you do anything great, but because he loves you exactly as you are. That's why he will forgive you, and you can trust him with your whole life and be his friend forever. Isn't this a neat story? I heard it last Sunday night." Tess
- Sandra Byrd
it is God Himself who made this possible, by assuming human flesh in Jesus Christ. In doing so, He humanized His divinity, but He also divinized humanity, and thus He sanctified—made holy—everything that fills up a human life: friendship, meals, family, travel, study, and work.
- Scott Hahn
Driven by petty ambition, we serve only ourselves. St. Josemaria put it well: "Those who are 'ambitious,' with small, personal, miserable ambitions, cannot understand that the friends of God should seek to achieve something through a spirit of service and without such'ambition.' " We should never confuse Christian humility and modesty with a will to underachieve.
- Scott Hahn
If the end of human law is the promotion of the common good among men, the divine law has for its purpose nothing less than our friendship with God.
- Scott Hahn
We draw strength from one another
- Scott Hahn
In My greatest hour of need, My closest friends deserted Me. Judas betrayed Me, Peter denied Me, and the rest fled for their lives. Only John followed from afar. I had cared for them for over three years, feeding them and teaching them. Yet as I died for the sins of the world, I forgave. I released all of them—from My friends who had deserted Me to the Roman guard who had crucified Me. They didn't ask for forgiveness, yet I freely gave it.
- John Bevere
Yet though these ways be lost, thou hast left one, Which is, immoderate grief that she is gone. But we may 'scape that sin, yet weep as much; Our tears are due because we are not such. Some tears, that knot of friends, her death must cost, Because the chain is broke, but no link lost.
- John Donne
Matter of fact, the way we got a path, a great friend, Arlen Specter, I convinced him to switch parties. Not a joke. Not a joke. He was the deciding vote.
- Joe Biden
The most essential thing for happiness is the gift of friendship.
- William Osler