Quotes about Friendship
But when someone enters that valley with you, that mud, it somehow saves you again.
- Anne Lamott
For thirty years, she has answered all of my distressed or deeply annoyed phone calls by saying, "Hello, Dearest. I'm so glad it's you!" I've come to believe that this is how God feels when I pray, even at my least attractive.
- Anne Lamott
Ultimately we're all just walking each other home.
- Anne Lamott
It may strike you as a small miracle that you have someone in your life, whose taste you admire, who will tell you the truth and help you stay on the straight and narrow, or find your way back to it if you are lost.
- Anne Lamott
Goodness and courage are how the divine presents itself so often—whether in drag, as close friends, or as EMTs.
- Anne Lamott
I felt that in my strange new friends and in certain new books, I was meeting my other half. Some people wanted to get rich or famous, but my friends and I wanted to get real. We wanted to get deep. (Also, I suppose, we wanted to get laid.) I devoured books like a person taking vitamins, afraid that otherwise I would remain this gelatinous narcissist, with no possibility of ever becoming thoughtful, of ever being taken seriously.
- Anne Lamott
These days are among the hardest we will ever live through. The wind is blowing, but because we are together in this, we have hope. Most days. Maybe more than ever before in my lifetime, my friends and I are aware of our brokenness and the deep crazy, the desperation for light, hope, food, and medicine for poor. What helps is that we are not all crazy and hopeless on the same day. one of us remembers and reminds the rest of us that when it is really dark you can see the stars.
- Anne Lamott
All it takes is one safe person to listen, to hear, to noodge us to start over and not give up.
- Anne Lamott
Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends. Proverbs 17:9
- Sheila Walsh
Anybody who suggests that I run for governor is no friend of mine. It's a terrible position, and besides, it requires living in Albany, which is small-town life at its worst.
- Ed Koch
All of the people in my life whom I consider to be close friends or colleagues are good thinkers.
- John Maxwell
Take my friends and my home - as an outcast I'll roam: Take the money I have in the bank: It is just what I wish, but deprive me of fish, And my life would indeed be blank.
- Lewis Carroll