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Quotes about Forgiveness

So we have only one place of hope, one solid rock on which to stand, and that rock is Christ Jesus. Only when we admit that we have awe-fickle hearts will we begin to reach out for and cling to the forgiving, transforming, rescuing, and delivering grace of Jesus.
- Paul David Tripp
And as you begin to remember that God's mercy is your only hope and you meditate on the grandeur of the mercy that has been showered on you, you begin to want to help others experience that same mercy. You see, to the degree that you forget the mercy you've been given, it is easier for you to not give mercy to others. I daily need God's work of mercy in order to do his work of mercy.
- Paul David Tripp
When you forget mercy and think you're deserving, you find it all too easy not to extend mercy to others.
- Paul David Tripp
The church is a community of unfinished people living in a broken world and still in need of God's forgiving and transforming grace. The church isn't meant, for either leaders or those being led, to be comfortable; it's meant to be personally transformational.
- Paul David Tripp
There is grace for our fickle and easily distracted hearts.
- Paul David Tripp
Grace means we are not held to our worst moment or cursed by our worst decision. Grace means out of the ashes of sin, leaders can rise because the Savior has resurrection power.
- Paul David Tripp
need grace, and when you forget how much you need grace, you quit seeking the rescue and strength that only grace can give.
- Paul David Tripp
So instead of wasting time on that endless quest for life, you have been invited to enter into God's rest for the rest of your life. Rest in your identity as his child. Rest in his eternal love. Rest in his powerful grace. Rest in his constant presence and faithful provision. Rest in his patience and forgiveness. Rest.
- Paul David Tripp
Paul is saying that we do the right that we do because grace is at that moment rescuing us from ourselves. Grace is protecting us from the self-righteousness and self-sovereignty that would make us all too independent and all too rebellious. Every moment of our obedience is an evidence of and a celebration of the grace that not only forgives but rescues, and not only rescues but transforms. We live in God's sight not in our own strength, but only by grace.
- Paul David Tripp
God knew that we would convince ourselves that we are okay when we're not okay. So he designed a means for us to be confronted again and again with the depth of our sin and the expansive glory of his provision in the person and work of the Lamb, the Savior, the Redeemer—the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Paul David Tripp
DECEMBER 25 Jesus was despised and rejected in the here and now so that you would have the Father's love and acceptance forever.
- Paul David Tripp
For sin, forgiveness; for weakness, strength; for foolishness, wisdom; for bondage, deliverance—such is the way of the grace of Jesus.
- Paul David Tripp