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Quotes about Forgiveness

We all know that it's no good simply telling people to love one another. One more exhortation to love, to patience, to forgiveness, may remind us of our duty. But as long as we think of it as duty we aren't very likely to do it. The point of 1 Corinthians 13 is that love is not our duty; it is our destiny.
- NT Wright
Victory over the powers, once more, is accomplished through the forgiveness of sins.
- NT Wright
The point is that this victory—the victory over all the powers, ultimately over death itself—was won through the representative and substitutionary death of Jesus, as Israel's Messiah, who died so that sins could be forgiven.
- NT Wright
The purpose of forgiving sin, there as elsewhere, is to enable people to become fully functioning, fully image-bearing human beings within God's world, already now, completely in the age to come.
- NT Wright
When we see the victory of Jesus in relation to the biblical Passover tradition, reshaped through the Jewish longing for the "forgiveness of sins" as a liberating event within history, we see the early Christian movement not as a "religion" in the modern sense at all, but as a complete new way of being human in the world and for the world.
- NT Wright
have argued that the early Christian view of Jesus's death was focused on Passover and hence on the Exodus story, now to be experienced as the new liberating event that was also the great one-off "sin-forgiving" event. Though the language here is unique to this passage, the outline meaning—Passover and atonement, in fulfillment of the covenant and to forgive sins and cleanse from impurity—is the same.
- NT Wright
The crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth was a one-off event, the one on behalf of the many, the one moment in history on behalf of all others through which sins would be forgiven, the powers robbed of their power, and humans redeemed to take their place as worshippers and stewards, celebrating the powerful victory of God in his Messiah and so gaining the Spirit's power to make his kingdom effective in the world.
- NT Wright
Broken men and women don't care who finds out about their sin; they have nothing to protect and nothing to lose. They are eager for God to be vindicated. David's response when confronted with his wrongdoing was that of a humble, broken man. And his was the heart that God honored. Again and again, God's Word reveals that He is not as concerned about the depth or extent of the sin we commit as He is about our attitude and response when we are confronted with our sin.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Then and now, broken sinners are the kinds of people God chooses to save, to bless, and to help.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
once we enter into a relationship with Christ through His shed blood, we have been eternally cleansed. But we allow our lives to become soiled by this world or by our own natural choices, we need to return to be washed once more.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
It takes time to establish trust in something or someone because it requires consistent and continuous behavior demonstrated over time. That is why our relationships are so fragile. It may take months or years to establish a high level of trust, but one act of unfaithfulness can destroy it. We can choose to forgive those who betray us, but it would take a long time to regain the trust that was lost.
- Neil Anderson
sin-confess-sin-confess-sin-confess-and-sin-again cycle does not deal with all of reality. It
- Neil Anderson