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Quotes about Forgiveness

Forgiveness doesn't mean that we don't take evil seriously after all; it means that we do.
- NT Wright
Wherever he went, he was celebrating the arrival of God's kingdom, as often as not by partying with people who would normally be excluded because of their apparently shady moral background. Wherever
- NT Wright
And if, with that death, exile was over, "forgiveness of sins" was a new reality etched into the cosmos itself, and the ancient enslaving "powers" had been defeated once and for all in the "new Passover"—why, then, the important thing was to live within and celebrate that new world, not go rushing back to the old one where sin and death still held sway and where Jews and Gentiles ate at separate tables.
- NT Wright
Forgiveness doesn't mean "I didn't really mind" or "it didn't really matter.
- NT Wright
I did mind and it did matter, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to forgive at all
- NT Wright
All this talk of "victory" means what it means because, as we have seen, on the cross Jesus died for our sins; the blood of the new covenant was shed for the forgiveness of sins. Sins, to say it once more, were the chains by which the dark powers had enslaved the humans who had worshipped them. Once sins were forgiven on the cross, the chains were snapped; victory was won. This opens up several vistas on the church's mission.
- NT Wright
Second, the means by which this goal is attained is precisely the "forgiveness of sins." If, as Paul implies in 2:15, the objection of Jews (or Jewish Messiah believers) to the inclusion of Gentiles is that they are "Gentile sinners," then this objection is overturned precisely because the Messiah "gave himself for our sins.
- NT Wright
Both these elements, sin and death, need to be dealt with on the cross.
- NT Wright
Something has happened, clearly, that has unleashed this new kind of power into the world. That something is the chain-breaking, idol-smashing, sin-abandoning power called "forgiveness," called "utter gracious love," called Jesus.
- NT Wright
I received mercy, because in my unbelief I didn't know what I was doing.
- NT Wright
Resurrection and forgiveness are not strange things that might perhaps happen in the old creation.
- NT Wright
Humans are designed to worship God and exercise responsibility in his world. But when humans worship idols instead, so that their image-bearing humanness corrupts itself into sin, missing the mark of the human vocation, they hand over their power to those same idols. The idols then use this power to tyrannize and ultimately to destroy their devotees and the wider world. But when sins are forgiven, the idols lose their power.
- NT Wright