Quotes about Forgiveness
Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
- Maya Angelou
I know when to say no and when to say yes. I take responsibility for my choices. The victim? She went somewhere else. The only one who can truly victimize me is myself, and 99 percent of the time I choose to do that no more. But I need to continue to remember the key principles: boundaries, letting go, forgiveness after feeling my feelings—not before, self-expression, loving others but loving myself, too.
- Melody Beattie
I have become convinced that God thoroughly enjoys fixing and saving things that are broken. That means that no matter how hurt and defeated you feel, no matter how badly you have been damaged, God can repair you. God can give anyone a second chance.
- Melody Carlson
grace (free forgiveness when you don't deserve it a bit).
- Michael Green
Agape love is the decision to keep loving and seeking the best for someone even when we don't feel like it, even when that person sins against us.
- Michael Youssef
We don't want people to understand forgiveness or prayer or mission or justice only intellectually. We want people who can forgive, who can hear and respond to God, who actually know Him. We want people who have hearts that break for our world and the people in it and do something about it. We want the kind of people in our communities who resemble the people we see in Scripture.
- Mike Breen
The difference between justice and forgiveness: To be just is to condemn the fault and, because of the fault, to condemn the doer as well. To forgive is to condemn the fault but to spare the doer. That's what the forgiving God does.
- Miroslav Volf
Forgiveness flounders because I exclude the enemy from the community of humans and myself from the community of sinners.
- Miroslav Volf
Whatever the reasons, when forgiveness happens it is always a miracle of grace. The obstacles in its way are immense
- Miroslav Volf
If you judge people you have no time to love them.
- Mother Teresa
People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway.
- Mother Teresa
People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway.
- Mother Teresa