Quotes about Forgiveness
Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Don't let the sun go down on an unhealed heart.
- Mark Virkler
The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind.
- Marquis de Sade
Grace is given to heal the spiritually sick, not to decorate spiritual heroes
- Martin Luther
There is no justification without sanctification, no forgiveness without renewal of life, no real faith from which the fruits of new obedience do not grow.
- Martin Luther
So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: "I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!
- Martin Luther
Forgiveness is God's command.
- Martin Luther
Be a sinner and sin strongly, but more strongly have faith and rejoice in Christ.
- Martin Luther
Be a sinner and sin mightily, but more mightily believe and rejoice in Christ.
- Martin Luther
To be convinced in our hearts that we have forgiveness of sins and peace with God by grace alone is the hardest thing.
- Martin Luther
Strange, though I am saved from sin, I am not saved from sinning.
- Martin Luther
He [Christ] died for me. He made His righteousness mine and made my sin His own; and if He made my sin His own, then I do not have it, and I am free.
- Martin Luther