Quotes about Forgiveness
Never use the message of the cross to crucify those you don't like, or the sword of the Spirit to attack other believers.
- Perry Stone
What our Heavenly Father wants us to do about our spiritual failures is like what our earthly father wants us to do about our earthly failures. When we fall off the horse, or the bike, or the high road to Heaven, we must simply climb on again as soon as we are aware of the fact that we have fallen off, rather than sitting there stewing in self-pity or self-hatred.
- Peter Kreeft
The more you treat someone you hate as if you loved them, the more you will find yourself loving them.
- Peter Kreeft
He offers total mercy and forgiveness to all who will accept it by trusting Him and repenting of their sins, but He does not, and cannot, give forgiveness to those who will not receive His gift. Gifts are freely given and freely received. Heaven cannot be forced on a creature with free will.
- Peter Kreeft
When a maniac is at the door, feuding brothers reconcile.
- Peter Kreeft
Kennedy: You mean it's not a matter of good deeds versus bad deeds, a kind of moral bookkeeping? Lewis: No indeed. Look at the thief on the cross. He made it to paradise even though his life's red ink certainly outweighed the black. Kennedy:
- Peter Kreeft
Therefore if we lack the feeling of repentance but nevertheless want to repent; if we choose repentance with the will; we are then repenting, since repentance is that choice of the will.
- Peter Kreeft
we forgive those who trespass
- Peter Kreeft
He turned His back upon His Son so that He would never have to turn His back on you.
- David Jeremiah
The Bible says when others treat you badly, you're supposed to love them, pray for them, bless them, and do good things for them. If you can't do it because you want to, then you must do it because you're obedient.
- David Jeremiah
Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm" (Joel 2:13).
- David Jeremiah
When insult comes our way, we look for a way to respond in love (Matthew 5:38-39).
- David Jeremiah