Quotes about Forgiveness
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
- Anonymous
Wage of rage of revenge ain't worth it. What's the point of being enslaved by a slave?
- Anonymous
The cross is Gods way of taking away all of our accusations, excuses, and arguments.
- Rob Bell
Art thou angry with him whose armpits stink? Art thou angry with him whose mouth smells foul?
- Marcus Aurelius
Where we might think of sin as slip-ups or missteps, God views sin as a godless attitude that leads to godless action.
- Max Lucado
We should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend.
- John Henry Newman
If you're a Christian you can't have an "I'm better than" attitude toward anyone because everybody is somebody for whom Jesus died.
- Andy Stanley
Never allow sick attitudes to poison your thinking, nor let ill will make you ill. Avoid making your mind sore by that painful rehurting called resentment.
- Norman Vincent Peale
If we don't let go of our resentment and regret, we become prisoners of the past.
- William Ury
3. Reframe Your Picture. Do you feel like life is in some way against you? How can you make your own happiness today? If life is challenging, can you nonetheless choose to say yes to it, just the way it is? 4. Stay in the Zone. Are you carrying any resentments about the past or anxieties about the future? What will it take to let go and accept life as it is today? What is one small step you can take to stay in the zone, where you are at your best?
- William Ury
Facing our fears, skeletons, and mistakes is paramount in finding ourselves-in living with ourselves. Once it's done, that fear will be laid to rest, and she'll be stronger for having dealt with it and have more peace becausse she's not carrying the weight of that fear every day and night.
- Cindy Woodsmall
We all have value and the right to find as much peace with ourselves and our flaws and weaknesses as possible. Why would forgiveness be so important to God if we didn't need it all the time? He knew we would need it from Him, but also from us for ourselves and for others. When we get peace with our weakest areas, we'll find new ways to build on our strongest areas.
- Cindy Woodsmall